Santa Clara County USBC
586 N 1st Street
Suite 112
San Jose, CA 95112

Schedule of Events
Santa Clara County USBC 2018-2019 Season

Upcoming and Completed Events

Completed Events
2018 BVL and Bowl for the Cure combined Fundraiser at Morgan Hill Bowl
Saturday, December 1st, 2018 @ Morgan Hill Bowl
Address - 650 Tennant Avenue, Morgan Hill, CA 95037
Phone - (408) 778-0909
Bowling starts at 1:00 PM
(check-in begins at 12:00 PM)
$30.00 Donation per person
This fundraiser event will include 3 games of 9-pin no-tap bowling and all SCC USBC members who provide their current USBC card number will be eligible to qualify for the CA State BVL Event that will be held on March 2019 in Stockton, CA. Handicap will be used for the BVL qualifying. Please click here for the CA State BVL qualifying rules.
RESULTS: Bowlers to Veterans Link (BVL) and Bowl for the Cure (BFTC) Fundraiser Event at Morgan Hill Bowl
Donation Totals and BVL Qualifying results:
Thank you for coming out to support 2 great charities! This is the first year we've held a combined event and we were happy to have 89 of you come out to give to these charities.
With your help, we raised $1,781.50 for BVL and $1,826.50 for Bowl for the Cure. We hope to have even more participation next year!
We also ran a BVL Qualifying tournament for our USBC members. The first place finisher in each division has the opportunity to attend the State BVL Championships in Stockton, CA in March 2019. Click here to see the final results of qualifying and all winners should have already received a call from our BVL chairperson to go over the details of attending the State championships.

April 21, 2018: Bowl For The Cure Fund Raiser at 4th Street Bowl
October 29, 2017: BVL Fund Raiser at Morgan Hill Bowl
This year's event drew 79 bowlers to show their support for our veterans in addition to enjoying the challenge of rolling REAL or No Tap Strikes.
Our Veterans who bowled with us were: Sam Ammari, George Bocobo, Doug Booth, Sam Fanara, Ralph Lentz, Harold Morales, Joe Quintal, Jesse Salazar, Darrell Sanderson, Barbara Scott, Robert Smith, Pete Solomon, Peter Talanay, and Charles Wiederman.
This year we raised a total of $2063.50, the most funds collected since we started having this yearly event, that will go directly to the BVL.
Thank you bowlers for your continued support for our Veterans!!
Click here to view the results.