Santa Clara County USBC
586 N 1st Street
Suite 112
San Jose, CA 95112
Bowling News Around the Association: 2016 - 2017
This page is dedicated to our bowlers who made bowling news at various bowling establishments around the association. The intent is to highlight any outstanding game or series bowled, converted difficult spare, etc. by our bowlers or a team of bowlers on a weekly basis. Currently a handful of league secretaries are providing input to this page, and I thank each and every one of you for doing so. In the coming weeks I will continue to reach out to other league secretaries to request bowling news. Since this is the start of this page, a lot of the bowling news is a bit old but still worthy of posting. If you have any bowling news from your league and want to include it on this page, click here to obtain the News Form. Fill in the information and either email a softcopy to "", send hardcopy to the SCC USBC Office (address at top of this page), or give it to your House Rep. Thanks. Yours truly, Rich Gavino, VP and Webmaster. Page updated on: 01/29/2017
4th Street Bowl
TNBA Mixed Handicap, Mondays @ 6:30 pm (Brenda Holland - league sec.)
* After 65+ years, RH Ryan finally rolled first sanctioned 300 (300-145-195: 640)!
CONGRATULATIONS and on to your next one!!
AMF Mission Lanes
Stoned Rollers, Mondays @ 6:30 pm (Donna Morales - league sec.)
* Lee Snyder rolls another perfect 300 game!
Morgan Hill Bowl
Vegas Bonanza, Tuesdays @ 7:00 pm (Tom Moriyama - league sec.)
* Jess Salazar rolls another perfect 300 (180-250-300: 730)
One More Time (OMT), Wednesdays @ 10:00 am (Carol Hughes - league sec.)
* Yours truly, Rich Gavino, rolls another perfect 300 (211-300-234: 745) game! CONGRATULATIONS Rich!